Contact with
Casona de Indias

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Contact information

  1. Responsible: Pedro Armas Castrillón
  2. Purpose: To be able to respond to the contact form by e-mail.
  3. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.
  4. Recipients: The form will be sent via email to a Casona de Indias email address hosted by OVH
  5. Rights: You have the right to Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.
  6. Data retention period: Until their deletion is requested by the data subject.
  7. Additional information: You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in the link at the bottom of the page.

You are on the official website of the Casona de Indias Hotel, in Piloña, Asturias. That is why we can offer you the best possible price, as well as unique offers, an immediate booking and a direct treatment.

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